Better yet. I haven't seen anyone mention this:
Look up the to_char function. You can format the date anyway you
like in the SQL statement.
Post by Sebastian von UlmensteinJust to be complete: You could leave the fields alone and use
(quoting from Locale and Formatting
DateStyle (string)
Sets the display format for date and time values, as well as the rules for
interpreting ambiguous
date input values. For historical reasons, this variable contains two
independent components: the
output format specification (ISO, Postgres, SQL, or German) and the
input/output specifica-
tion for year/month/day ordering (DMY, MDY, or YMD). These can be set
separately or together.
The keywords Euro and European are synonyms for DMY; the keywords US,
NonEuro, and
NonEuropean are synonyms for MDY. See Section 8.5 for more
information. The
default is ISO,
Am 01.11.2006 11:47 Uhr schrieb "Aliacta Support" unter
Post by Aliacta SupportThe ultimate place to put that code would be in the PopulateField
method of your own subclass of the EditField that implements the
pgSQLfieldReceiver interface. (p.91 in the manual) I.e. you would
no longer use the pgSQLfield but make your own.
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